主讲人: Prof. Zhifeng Huang
时间: 5月11日下午2:00-2:45
地点: 西丽校区B1一楼报告厅

Metallic helices with a characteristic helical pitch (P) in the micro- ornano-scale have been proposed for diverse chirality-related primaryapplications. However, limit development of nanofabrication techniques leads toP> 20 nm;molecules are too small in size to effectively perceive the helicalchirality, and such the dimensional mismatch will substantially prohibit thedevelopment of those applications. In this talk, I will devise a method totackle this fundamental problem, through using glancing angle deposition with fastsubstrate rotation to produce helical nanoparticles (HNPs) that have sub-10-nmPand are composed of controllable plasmonic materials and helicity. HNPs areused to induce enantiospecific adsorption of molecules, mediate theenantiopreferential photocyclodimerization of 2-anthracenecarboxylic acid, andmarkedly enhance optical activity of chiral molecules in roughly one order ofmagnitude. These studies will pave the way to developing HNPs for significantchirality-related applications, such as heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis anddetermining absolute configuration of chiral molecules with high sensitivity.
Dr. Zhifeng Huang (黄陟峰)obtained B.Sc. in Chemistry (in 2000) and M.Sc. in Physical Chemistry (in 2003)at Xiamen University (China), and Ph.D. in Science and Engineering of Materialsat Arizona State University (US, 2007). After working as a postdoctoral fellowin Department of Electrical and Computing Engineering at University of Alberta(Canada, Jan. 2008 – Aug. 2009), Dr. Huang joined Department of Physics at HongKong Baptist University (HKBU) as an Assistant Professor, and was promoted toAssociate Professor in 2015.
Dr. Huang is devoted to fabricating sculptured nano thinfilms to study chiral nanoplasmonics, surface enhanced chiropticalspectroscopies, enantioselective synthesis, photochirogenesis,enantiodifferentiation, trace (bio)molecular detection, bio-nanointeraction,specific differentiation of stem cells, functional optic coating, andflexible/wearable energy generation and storage. He contributed to two bookchapters, and published his studies in Nat. Nanotechnol.,Annu.Rev. Phys. Chem., Adv. Mater., Nano Lett., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Small, Nanoscale,and so on.
Dr. Huang was presented Gold Medal with Congratulations ofJury (The 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, 2018),Outstanding Research Achievement (APSMR, 2017 and 2018), the Prof. Rudolph A.Marcus Award 2016, the Incentive Award for Outstanding Research Achievement(Faculty of Science, HKBU, 2015), and National-level Technology Project Awardfor Advanced Individual (2012, 2014). He is serving as an Associate Editor forScience Advances Today and Science Letters Journal (Cognizure).