主讲人: Prof. Johnny C. Ho (何颂贤)
时间: 5月11日下午3:30-4:15
地点: 西丽校区B1一楼报告厅

Dueto the advent of nanotechnology, materials can be readily fabricated intonanoscale configurations with different dimensionalities and widely tunableproperties for technological applications. In this presentation, we wouldsummarize and discuss the recent progress in our research group, emphasizingthe development of various one-dimensional (1D) semiconductor nanowires (NWs),such as high-mobility III-V compound semiconductors, for high-performancenanoelectronics as well as two-dimensional (2D) layered nanosheets, includingWS2, perovskite and others, for highly sensitive photodetectors. Also,utilizing simple chemical synthesis techniques, we have achieved severalnon-noble hierarchical three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures (e.g. NiMo, NiFeoxides and hydroxides, etc) as eleectrocatalysts for efficient hydrogenevolution and water oxidation with the impressive performance data inoverpotential values, Tafel slopes and electrochemical stability. All thesefindings evidently indicate their potencies and deliver important insights intothe design of different nanomaterials for next-generation electronic, sensorand energy-harvesting devices.
Dr. Johnny C. Ho received his B.S.degree with high honors in Chemical Engineering, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees inMaterials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2002, 2005 and 2009, respectively. From 2009 to2010, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Nanoscale Synthesis andCharacterization group (Materials Science Division) at Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory, California. At present, he is an Associate Professor inthe department of Materials Science and Engineering at City University of HongKong. Over the years, he has won a number of awards, including Intel FoundationPh.D. Fellowship, Finalist for the Croucher Innovation Awards, Second ClassAward of Shandong Province Science and Technology Prize, President’s Awards,City University of Hong Kong, and elected to be a Founding Member in the YoungAcademy of Sciences of Hong Kong under the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong,etc. His current research interests focus on the synthesis, characterization,integration and device applications of nanoscale materials for varioustechnological utilizations, including electronic, sensor and energy harvesting devices
He has published more than120 papers with more than 6,400 citations and an H-index of 37.