主讲人: Prof.Zijian Zheng
时间: 5月11日下午4:15-5:00
地点: 西丽校区B1一楼报告厅

Polymernanostructures are very important for a wide range of fields spanning fromelectronic to biomedical researches. Conventionally, these nanostructures arefabricated via photolithography or electron beam lithography, which hassignificant limitation on the choice of polymer and the access of the equipmentby researchers. Recently, scanning probe lithography (SPL), a series oftip-based fabrication using a sharp scanning tip, has emerged as a powerful yetlow-cost tool for nanofabrication. This talk will discuss how to develop SPLfor patterning 2D and 3D polymer nanostructures. Two important strategies,including (1) the top-down direct transfer of polymer materials by dip-pennanolithography (DPN) and (2) the bottom-up grown of polymer brushes viadip-pen nanodisplacement lithography (DNL), will be discussed in detail.Finally, we will introduce some latest development of large-area fabricationusing tip-arrays, and their application in the control of cell activities suchas cell adhesion and alignment.
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Dr. Zijian Zheng is currentlyAssociate Professor at the Institute of Textile and Clothing (ITC) at The HongKong Polytechnic University. His research interests are surface science,self-assembly, nanolithography, polymer science, andbendable/stretchable/wearable/graphene materials and electronic devices. Hereceived his B. Eng. with honor from the Department of Chemical Engineering atTsinghua University in 2003. Between 2004 and 2007, Dr. Zheng moved to theDepartment of Chemistry and Nanoscience Center atUniversity of Cambridge for his PhD study under the supervision of Prof.Wilhelm T. S. Huck, where he worked on nanotechnology and organicoptoelectronics. In 2008, Dr. Zheng joined the group of Prof. Chad A. Mirkin asa postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Chemistry and InternationalInstitute for Nanotechnology at Northwestern University, working on thedevelopment of Dip-Pen Nanolithography and Polymer Pen Lithography. He joinedITC as Assistant Professor in 2009 and was promoted to tenured AssociateProfessor via a fast track. He has published ~60 papers in high-impactinternational scientific journals including Science, Nature Comm., Advanced Materials,Journal of the America Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie. He also files 15international and China patents. He serves as Guest Editor for AdvancedMaterials. He is recipient of several international awards such as GENEVAInnovation Award and Future Leaders Award in 2015 and Emerging InvestigatorAward and Early Career Award in 2016.