主讲人: Prof. Xiaodong Shi
时间: 2019年8月29日上午10:00
地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-420会议室

2017 - now: Professor, University of SouthFlorida
2015- 2017: Associate Professor, Universityof South Florida
2005 - 2015: Assistant, Associate, FullProfessor, West Virginia University
2002 - 2005: Postdoctoral ResearchAssociate, University of California, Berkeley
1998 - 2002: Ph.D. University of Maryland
1994 - 1997: M.S. Nankai University
1990 - 1994: B.S., Nankai University
Homogeneous goldcatalysis has been developed explosively during the past decades. Despite theremarkable electrophilic activation of alkynes by cationic Au(I) catalysts,such as PPh3Au+, one challenge is to overcome their poor stability at hightemperature. However, in order to activate some less reactive substrates, suchas internal alkynes, harsher reaction conditions are usually required.
As a good σ-donorand π-receptor, triazole has been applied as a ligand to improve the stabilityof cationic Au(I) catalysts. Taking advantage of the good stability oftriazole-Au(I) complexes (TA-Au), we successfully achieved good reactivity ofintermolecular hydroamination for both terminal and internal alkynes. Unlikeprevious reported gold catalysts, the TA-Au catalysts activate alkynesselectively over allenes. With this excellent chemoselectivity, TA-Au catalystsshowed interesting reactivity in propargyl ester and vinyl ether rearrangement.This facilitates the development of otherwise challenging transformations, forinstance, asymmetric synthesis of substituted allenes, Schmittel cyclization,dienal synthesis, and so on. synthesis, and so on.