主讲人: Prof. Choon Hong Tan
时间: 2019年10月25日上午9:00
地点: 深圳大学西丽校区B1-518会议室

Professor Tan is the Acting Chair in the School of Physical and MathematicalSciences, Nanyang Technological University.
Prof. Tan received his BSc (Hons), First Class from the National University ofSingapore in 1995 and completed his PhD from the University of Cambridge in1999. Following that, he carried out two years postdoctoral training at theDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University. Subsequently,he worked as a Research Associate at Department of Biological Chemistry andMolecular Pharmacology, Harvard Medical School for another year before joinedthe Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore as AssistantProfessor in 2003. He was then promoted to Associate Professor in 2010. Hejoined Nanyang Technological University in 2012 as an Associate Professor andwas promoted to Full Professor in 2016.
Professor Tan’s research interest is in the field of Synthetic OrganicChemistry and Catalysis. He also conducts research in the field of catalysis,in particular the development of new catalysts towards practical asymmetricsynthesis. Over the years, Professor Tan had published many top quality journalpapers and has more than 127 journal papers with current citation count of morethan 6800. His H-Index is 47.
Professor Tan is also concurrently holding the position as the Director for theCN Yang Scholars Program as well as the President at the Singapore NationalInstitute of Chemistry.