主讲人: 舒伟副教授
时间: 5月19日下午4:30
地点: 丽湖校区守信楼(原B1栋)518会议室
舒伟,副教授,研究员、课题组长、博士生导师,本科毕业于南开大学,获理学、经济学双学士学位;博士毕业于中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,师从著名化学家麻生明研究员和贾国成教授,获中科院院长奖;博士毕业后分别于苏黎世大学、普林斯顿大学和麻省理工学院从事博士后和研究工作;2018年加入南方科技大学化学系开展独立研究。舒伟博士入选国家海外高层次人才计划(青年)、广东省“珠江人才计划”青年拔尖人才、深圳市海外高层次人才“孔雀计划”B类和深圳市南山区领航人才。迄今为止,舒伟博士在Nat. Commun., JACS, ACIE等国际一流期刊发表论文30余篇,申请和授权专利4项,研究领域涉及可见光催化、第一过渡系金属催化、不对称催化、流动化学、自由基化学、药物化学、有机材料化学等。舒伟博士获得德国Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2021)。
Alkenes represent excellent building blocks for chemical synthesis, thus providing an exceptional opportunity for the construction of complex molecules. The selective addition functional groups onto alkenes represents an exceptionally efficient way for the direct functionalization of unsaturated carbon systems. Although great endeavors have been devoted to various transformations of functionalization of alkenes, the development of catalytic asymmetric hydrofucntionalizations of alkenes has proven a formidable challenge. To address this challenge and as part of our continued interest in the area of green chemistry and asymmetric catalysis, we have developed some new chiral ligands and have sucessfully applied to divsere asymmetric hydrofunctionalizations for both activated and unactivated alkenes.