Time:December 1st, 2024. 14:30 ( China time )
Place:Room 518, Shouxin Building

Dr. Qichun Zhang received his B.S. at Nanjing University in China in 1992, MS in physical organic chemistry (organic solid lab) at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1998, MS in organic chemistry at University of California, Los Angeles (USA, 2003), and completed his Ph.D. in chemistry at University of California Riverside in 2007. Then, he joined Prof. Kanatzidis’ group at Northwestern University as a Postdoctoral Fellow (Oct. 2007 –Dec. 2008). Since Jan. 2009, he joined School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) as an Assistant Professor. On Mar 1st, 2014, he has promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. On Sep 1st 2020, he moved to Department of Materials Science and Engineering at City University of Hong Kong as a full professor. Currently, he is an associate editor of J. Solid State Chemistry & Susmat, the International Advisory Board member of Chemistry – An Asian Journal, the Advisory board member of Journal of Materials Chemistry C, the Advisory board member of Materials Chemistry Frontiers, the Advisory board member of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, the Advisory board member of Aggerate, the Advisory board member of Materials Advances, and the Advisory board member of Science Chinese Materials and small structures. Also, he is Guest Editors of CCS Chemistry (2020-2021), Advanced Materials (2020-2021), J Mater Chem C (2020-2021, 2017-2018), Mater. Chem Front (2019-2020), Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2016-2017, 2017-2018). From 2018 to 2023, he has been recognized as one of highly-cited researchers (top 1%) in Clarivate Analytics. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Currently, his research focuses on carbon-rich conjugated materials and their applications. Till now, he has published >535 papers and 10 patents (H-index: 113).
Since Yaghi et al. reported the first covalent organic frameworks (COFs) in 2005, COFs have caused many scientists' interest in both fundamental research (synthesis, properties, theoretical simulation, etc.) and possible applications (gas absorption/separation, catalysis, energy-related devices, sensing, imaging, and so on). In this talk, I will present our recent progress on the preparation of novel COFs as well as their diverse applications in optoelectrical devices.
1. F. Kang, X. Wang, C. Chen, C.-S. Lee, Y. Han, Q. Zhang. J. Am Chem Soc, 2023, 145, 15465–15472.
2. Q. Gu, J. Zha, C. Chen, X. Wang, W. Yao, J. Liu, F. Kang, J. Yang, Y. Y. Li, D. Lei, Z. Tang, Y. Han, C. Tan, Q. Zhang. Adv. Mater. 2023, DOI: 10.1002/adma.202306414.
3. Y. Shi, J. Yang, F. Gao, Q. Zhang, ACS Nano 2023, 17, 1879–1905.
4. S. Zhang, X. Wang, F. Kang, Q. Gu, G. Sun, Y.-K. Peng, Q. Zhang, SmartMat, 2023, 10.1002/smm2.1265
5. Q. Gu, X. Lu, C. Chen, R. Hu, X. Wang, G. Sun, F. Kang, J. Yang, X. Wang, J. Wu, Y. Y. Li, Y.-K. Peng, W. Qin, Y. Han, X. Liu, Q. Zhang, ACS Nano 2023, 10.1021/acsnano.3c08313
6. P. She, Y. Qin, X. Wang, Q. Zhang, Adv. Mater., 2022, 34, 2101175.
7. S. Xu, Q. Zhang, Materials Today Energy, 2021, 20, 100635.
8. F. Yu, W. Liu, S.-W. Ke, M. Kurmoo, J.-L. Zuo, Q. Zhang, Nature Communication, 2020, 11, 5534.
9. F. Yu, W. Liu, B. Li, D. Tian, J.-L. Zuo, Q. Zhang, Angew. Chem Int. Ed. 2019, 58(45), 16101-16104.