王奔,男,助理教授,副研究员, 2019 年 12 月加入深圳大学化学与环境工程学院,担任助理教授,深圳市海外高层次人才(孔雀计划B类)。 2019 年 2 月于香港中文大学生物医学工程学系获得博士学位,并获得香港中文大学 Impact Postdoctoral Fellowship 资助,从事博士后研究。
研究方向主要是功能性表界面材料和微纳米机器人。目前以第一作者/通讯作者在 Science Robotics,Science Advances,Chemical Society Reviews,Advanced Materials(2篇),Advanced Functional Materials(3篇),ACS Nano,Device(Cell旗下子刊),Advanced Science,Nano Today(2篇),iScience,Research,Materials Today,JMCA,Chemical Communications,高分子学报,物理学报等国内外知名期刊上发表论文三十余篇,论文总被引用大于 5400次,单篇最高引用次数 1300次,入选2023年“全球前2%科学家”榜单。其中一篇入选“中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文”,七篇入选“ESI 高被引论文”。获授权美国专利1项,中国发明专利1项。
目前,他是中国微米纳米技术学会高级会员,国际仿生工程学会会员,中国化学学会会员,《Advanced Bionics》青年编委,《Journal of Bionic Engineering》青年编委,《胶体与聚合物》期刊编委,《Frontiers in Robotics and AI》期刊的客座编辑,以及Advanced Materials,ACS central Science,Advanced Fiber Materials,Applied Materials Today等期刊审稿人。研究成果被Nature portfolio,Science Robotics,TVB电视台,科学网,中国新闻网,新浪,腾讯,网易,MaterialsViews China,Cell Press细胞科学官方公众号等期刊媒体报道,也被中国香港地区明报、大公报、香港文匯報、頭條日報、香港电台网、香港中文大学官网等媒体网站报道。
Ben Wang is currently an assistant professor in the College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering at Shenzhen University. He received his bachelor and master’s degree from Wuhan Institute of Technology and Hubei University, respectively. After thathe obtained his Ph.D. degree at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), in Prof. Li Zhang’s group. Then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the same group in Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK. He joined Shenzhen University in December 2019. He published more than 20 papers in the fields of microrobotics and surface science with a total citation more than 3200. His current research interests are focused on surface functionalization, magnetic nanoparticles, and bioinspired soft robots for remote actuation and targeted delivery.
Google Scholar主页: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=W1o4KJMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao