Shenzhen Key Lab of Functional Polymers

Author: Date: 2023-09-14 14:13 click: [ ]

The Shenzhen Key LabofFunctional Polymerswas established in October,2007.The researchinterestsof the laboratory mainly include:

1. High performance polymers:proposed amethod for repairing defects of high performance carbon fiberto effectivelyimproveitsmechanical properties;

2. Polymer liquid crystalsand ionic liquid crystals: seek polymer liquid crystals that can be used inliquid crystal displays and functional materials, as well as explore their applications inluminous diodes.

3. Biomacromoleculesand medical polymers: (1) extract glycosaminoglycan polymersfrom chitin to synthesize trauma-repairingmaterials; (2) synthesizepolymer microsphereswith strong adsorption and good biocompatibilityand explore their applications in different fields, such asenzyme sensors, DNA sensorsand immune sensors;

4. Organic polymer-inorganic composite materials: coat functional polymer materialson the surface ofinorganic functionalmaterialsto prepare new inorganic materialswithnew properties (such as electroconductibility and catalytic activity).

Contact us
Address:No 1066,Xueyuan Rd., Xili, Nanshan District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China
About SZU
The School of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering of Shenzhen University was established in August 2006. Its history can be traced back to the Department of Applied Chemistry of Shenzhen University established in 1985 and the Department of Chemistry and Biology of Teachers College of Shenzhen University established in 1995.