代表论文:(# 共同第一作者;* 通讯作者)
1. Zeng, LW. #, Xiao, SP. #, Dai, YF., Chen, T., Wang, H., Yang, P., Huang, GC., Yan, M., You, Y., Zheng, X.*, Zhang, SJ., Wu, Y. Characterization of on-road nitrogen oxides and black carbon emissions from high emitters of heavy-duty diesel vehicles in China. J. Hazard. Mater. 2024, 477, 135225.
2. Zeng, LW., Wang, FB., Xiao, SP., Zheng, X.*, …, Wu, Y. Characterization and prediction of tailpipe ammonia emissions from in-use China 5/6 light-duty gasoline vehicles. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. 2024, 18(1): 6.
3. Fu, N., Cao, GM.*, Xia, SY., Zeng, LW.*, He, L., He, LY., Huang, XF. Sensitivity of atmospheric peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) formation and its impact on ozone pollution in a coastal city. Atmos. Environ. 2024, 330, 120545.
4. Zeng, LW., Li, KM., Guo, H.*, Zhou, BN., Lyu, XP., Huo, YX., Uhde, E., Yang, J., Zeren, YZ., Lu, HX., Yao, DW., Qian, Z. Contributions of Indoor Household Activities to Inhalation Health Risks Induced by Gaseous Air Pollutants in Hong Kong Home. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 2023, 23(9).
5. Zeng, LW., Yang, BH., Xiao, SP., Yan, M., Cai, YW., Liu, BQ., Zheng, X.*, Wu, Y. Species profiles, environmental impact and health risk of volatile organic compounds in the gasoline service station in China. Sci. Total Environ. 2022 842, 156813.
6. Zeng, LW., Yang, J., Guo, H.*, Lyu, XP. Impact of NOx reduction on long-term surface ozone pollution in roadside and suburban Hong Kong: Field measurements and model simulations. Chemosphere 2022, 302, 134816.
7. Zeng, LW., Guo, H.*, Lyu, XP., Zhou, BN., Ling, ZH., Simpson, IJ., Meinardi, S., Barletta, B., Blake, DR. Long-term variations of C1-C5 alkyl nitrates and their sources in Hong Kong. Environ. Pollut. 2021, 270, 116285.
8. Zeng, LW., Dang, J., Guo, H.*, Lyu, XP., Simpson, IJ., Meinardi, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, LY., Blake, DR. Long-term temporal variation and source changes of halocarbons in the Greater Pearl River Delta region, China. Atmos. Environ. 2020, 234, 117550.
9. Zeng, LW., Offor, F., Zhan, LX., Lyu, XP., Liang, ZR., Zhang, LY., Wang, JY., Cheng, HR., Guo, H.* Comparison of PM2.5 pollution between an African city and an Asian metropolis. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 696, 134069.
10. Zeng, LW., Fan, GJ., Lyu, XP., Guo, H.*, Wang, JL., Yao, DW. Atmospheric fate of peroxyacetyl nitrate in suburban Hong Kong and its impact on local ozone formation. Environ. Pollut. 2019, 252, Part B, 1910-1919.
11. Zeng, LW., Lyu, XP., Guo, H.*, Zou, SC.*, Ling, ZH. Photochemical Formation of C1–C5 Alkyl Nitrates in Suburban Hong Kong and over the South China Sea. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52(10), 5581-5589.